Thursday, May 04, 2006

Automated Script Injection, Additional Applications.

I've been thinking a lot lately about samy's myspace worm. A few weeks before samy's worm started making headlines a friend and I had designed something similar for a browser based sci fi mmorpg. In the game you role-play the part of a merchant ship captain, traveling from planet to planet buying and selling commodities. When docked at a planet the browser based interface displays, among other things, a list of other ships also docked there. After a little bit of hacking around we realized that the HTTP POST form that allows a player to change the name of his ship was handled insecurely.

  • A) the handling for the form was not POST strict, meaning that POST and GET variables are accepted interchangeably. This is not in and of itself a vulnerability, however it can provide an attacker with unnecessary flexibility.
  • B) the developer doesn't understand how to securely cleanse user input. Rather than stripping out or escaping non-alphanumeric characters (which are really unnecessary for naming a ship) the developer attempts to detect and modify 'bad input'. For instance, the string <script> is detected and nuetered, becoming script>. This system is flawed. Due to the nature of how the modification is processed the string <<script> will be modified to: <script>. If you don't get why, read it a couple of times. The real problem though is that 'bad input' refers to an everchanging array of variable length. We will never know every possible 'bad input' and therefore cannot effectively detect it. As a rule, force good input rather than detecting bad input.

We modified our ships name to include javascript code that, when executed, would append 'assimilated by borg' plus the javascript iteslf to the end of the shipname of the user viewing it. because the name is displayed to every users browser docked at the same planet as you, it spread virally accross the virtual galaxy.

Though samy's methodology was superior to mine in its technical hackery, the concept is similar. Both he and I used features of the system we were attacking (myspace for samy, the sci fi rpg for me) to automate an attack through persistent script injection vectors. It would have been easy for samy to use his code maliciously. Harvest email addresses, ruin reputations, even systematically delete accounts. Just as I could have used my code to cheat at the game (thats right, could have.)

These are all good reasons to pay more attention to xss but i've been thinking about another application for automated script injection. Considering the growing popularity of social networking communities such as myspace and livejournal (there are plenty more) it would be trivial for marketing agencies to use viral xss for very fast very large scale market research projects. As an example, when we were playing with the sci-fi mmorpg we decided to try and get an idea of how many users were using IE vs mozilla or safari. Along with our code we injected an <img> with the src pointing to a php we had written which grabbed and stored the user agent to an sql db. It wouldn't be difficult to chart where the users were located geographically based on hostnames. This is just scratching the surface, but you see where I'm going. An interesting point to take note of is that the system is being attacked rather than the users, making it impossible or at least very difficult for users to protect themselves. The nature of these community sites makes the propagation of these xss worms very fast. I would be surprised if someone doesn't take advantage of this for monetary gain soon.

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